Product Type : 0044

Product Code : 0044


Also contains two type of chemicals (Fiavanoids, Terpenoids) Useful medicine for treat circulatory disorders & enhance memory. 
Provides antioxidant protection Supports normal heart function 
A vital growth enzyme factor Improves appetite & Promotes growth MEMEM Improves placental perfusion, placental blood flow & APGAR score Reduces risk of IUGR, pre-eclampsia & gestational diabetes 
Useful or in Alopecia & Gray hat Builds immunity & prevents acne 
Strengthenes foetal development An essential nutrient for health & well-being 
Ginkgo Biloba, Coenzyme Q10, L-Serine, L-Argine, Calcium Pantot41.111W Folic Acid & Iodine Table inkgo Biloba, Coenzyme QI0, L-Serine, L•Argine, Calcium Pantothenate, Folic Acid & Iodine Tablets 

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